Since the creation of Gombe State on the 1st of October 1996, the State has witness the succession of different administrations from those of the military to that of the current civilian regime.

Each of these administration gave their best in expanding the frontiers of the social economic and political dimensions of Gombe State to lift it from once been regarded as a big village to a modern cosmopolitan State.

These strides in the form of infrastructural development by previous administrations in the State particularly in Kaltungo Local Government Area fall short of the yearnings and aspirations of people who have always pitch their tent with the party in power.

But two years into the administration of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya the policy thrust of his stewardship has so far proved to any discerning mind that the Governor is not only a true Democrat, but a trusted focused and a leader desirous to transform Gombe State into a model.

This transformational drive of the Governor has since robbed off on the people of Kaltungo Local Government who are now attesting to the fact that Governor Inuwa Yahaya’s footprints are glaring for everyone to see and feel.

From the ongoing construction of the much talked about Bambam/Tula Yiri road awarded at the cost of over 2.6 billion naira to the renovation, expansion and remodeling of 10 Primary Health Care Centres PHCCs across the 10 wards of Kaltungo Local Government Area.

Besides the renovation and remodeling of Primary Health Care Centres in Kaltungo Local Government Area, the administration of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has recently approved over 1.2 billion naira as contract sum for the total revitalization of the 70 years old General Hospital, Kaltungo.

Famous for it treatment of snake bite, the Kaltungo General Hospital was constructed in 1951and is the second hospital to be established in the North-East Sub-Region

On education, the Gombe State Government under the leadership of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya upon assumption into office embarked on the renovation and equipping of the famous Government Science Secondary School, Kaltungo (Lakanje) which has been in a deplorable condition for so many years.

In the same vein the Government Girls’ Secondary School, Tula received a similar gesture to which the broken fence of the school was completely built to secure the institution.

Primary Schools in Kaltungo Local Government Area were also not left out as the administration of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has either constructed renovated or remodeled quiet a number of them to ride on the State of Emergency declared by his administration.

To compliment the Federal Government own Polytechnic Kaltungo, the Inuwa Yahaya’s administration wasted no time in providing a land for the institution’s permanent site, this is in addition to the provision of a temporary site, financial support, accommodation for principal officers and a utility vehicle among others.

There is no doubt that the last two years of the administration of Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has been quiet eventful to the people of the State particularly those in Kaltungo Local Government Area. For instance the ongoing construction of Bambam-Yiri road said to be the mother of all road projects in the State is indeed a milestone achievement worthy of commendation by all men and women of goodwill.

The reinforcement of the Billiri-Gujuba-Dogon Ruwa road from rough to smooth surface is another monumental achievement worthy of commendation.

While the people of Kaltungo appreciate the administration of Governor Yahaya for these developmental efforts within the last years, they are equally of the opinion that for more of such development to come the way of the local council, the need to support the Government of Inuwa Yahaya is indeed and infact necessary.

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